Source-Connect is an application produced by Source-Elements to enable two studios to remotely connect over the internet, and send and receive high quality audio. It’s the replacement for ISDN lines and codecs, and due to its excellent picture sync features, like RTS – Real Time Sync – it’s the go to app for the tv & film post production industry.
Using Source-Connect as a standalone product is a breeze, but what what about if you want to use the app with Logic Pro, or for that matter any other DAW? Well that’s easy too, with a plugin called Source-Connect Link, that is automatically installed when you install the software.
To connect your Logic Pro DAW to Source Connect is just a case of using an instance of Source-Connect Link and using a few busses and auxiliaries. Below are videos produced for Source Elements showing how to do it – including one how to use RTS (Real Time Sync) in Logic Pro. And at the bottom of the page there are 2 templates for Logic – one in stereo and the other in mono.